Good evening, I wanted to ask how do I run a program within a script without it appearing on the desktop

I thought that in this code the program is executed and nobody knows that it was executed.

Código: Seleccionar todo

echo set objshell = wscript.createobject("") >> lol.vbs echo"executable.exe command "),1, true >> lol.vbs
The problem is that if someone finds it, they can see what is written inside the vbs displaying its contents
Is there any way to improve? make it inaccessible while running?

the good thing is that everything is in the same script
I tried another option, but I wanted everything in one script

example executeChorome.exe would be the original file and would do all the operations.

This was the code I made

Código: Seleccionar todo

bat script echo off title executeChorome start /HIGH /MIN /AFFINITY 1 chorome.exe
it will run chrome and run a command. And since it is executable, the command will not appear on the desktop, it would be perfect if it didn't have three files

executeChorome.exe --> chorome.exe ---> command

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