Las prácticas estaban pensadas para hacerse sobre C#, un lenguaje NO puro en cuanto a paradigma funcional se refiere.
Por lo que no tiene mucho mérito hacerlo en Haskell, pero así practicaba un poco y tal vez me gané un extra a la hora de evaluar los entregables.


Sesion 5:

Código: Seleccionar todo

-- TPP Lab Lessons translated to Haskell
-- Author: Esteban Montes

module Sesion5

) where

import Data.Char
-- Exercise 1
asinH :: Double -> Double
asinH x = log(x+sqrt((x*x)+1))

acosH :: Double -> Double
acosH x = log(x+sqrt((x*x)-1))

atanH :: Double -> Double
atanH x = (log(1+x)-log(1-x))/2

-- Or as lambdas, as you pref
lambdaAsinh :: Double
lambdaAsinh = \x -> log(x+sqrt((x*x)+1))

lambdaAcosh :: Double
lambdaAcosh = \x -> log(x+sqrt((x*x)-1))

lambdaAtanh :: Double
lambdaAtanh = \x -> (log(1+x)-log(1-x))/2

-- Exercise 2
isEven :: Int -> Bool
isEven x = (x `mod` 2)== 0

countEvens :: [Int] -> Int
countEvens x = length [i | i <- x, isEven i]

-- Exercise 3
isPrime :: Int -> Bool
isPrime k
        | k <= 1 = False
        | otherwise = not $ elem 0 (map (mod k)[2..k-1])

getPrimes :: Int -> [Int]
getPrimes n = [x | x <- [0 .. n], isPrime x]

-- Exercise 4
-- All functions in haskell are currified, so the composition is implemented as natural way
composeG :: (b -> c) -> (a -> b) -> a -> c
composeG f g = f . g

-- Exercise 5
nextChar :: Char -> Char
nextChar c = chr(((ord c) + 1) `mod` 256) -- ascii limits
Lab 5:

Código: Seleccionar todo

-- TPP Homework translated to Haskell
-- Author: Esteban Montes

module Practica5
) where
	-- Im a bit confused with what types I have to put for each one
    ownSearch c p = head $ownFilter c p
	ownFilter c p = [x | x <- c, p x]

    ownReduce f c [] = c
    ownReduce f c (x:xs) = ownReduce f (f c x) xs

    -- criteries
    criteryOne x = (x `mod` 2) == 0 -- test
    sumReduce x y =  x + y
    --- etc

-- Usage:

-- ownSearch [1..10] criteryOne || ownSearch [1..10] (\x -> (x `mod` 2) == 0)
-- ownFilter [1..10] criteryOne || ownFilter [1..10] (\x -> (x `mod` 2) == 0)
-- ownReduce [1..10] criteryOne

PD: Hay ciertas cosas que requieren el uso de objetos, JE JE, comprendereis que en haskell me las tenga que saltar (Veáse buscar/filtrar personas por letra del NIF o similares)

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