En el modulo dashboard en esta parte para ver estadisticas de la cuenta no salen bien el contador de las visitas del perfil siempre sale asi:

Su perfil a sido visto veces

Alguien sabe como editar para arreglar eso, aqui esta los codigos de esa parte:
function my_account() {
		global $client, $apps;
		if (!$client['id']) return false;
		$res = sql_query("select * from `".tb()."profiles` where id='{$client['id']}'");
		$row = sql_fetch_array($res);
		if ($client['avatar'] == 'undefined.jpg') {
			$uf[] = url('account/avatar', t('Avatar picture'));
		if (is_array($uf)) {
			sys_notice(t("You haven't finished editing your profile").' : '.implode(', ',$uf));
		$profile_views = $row['views'];
		$res = sql_query("select count(*) as num from ".tb()."friends where uid='{$client['id']}'");
		$row = sql_fetch_array($res);
		$friends = $row['num'];
		$res = sql_query("select count(*) as num from ".tb()."followers where fid='{$client['id']}'");
		$row = sql_fetch_array($res);
		$followers = $row['num'];
		$content = 
			t('Your profile was viewed {1} times.','<strong>'.$profile_views.'</strong>').'
		<div class="hr"></div>'.
			t('You have {1} friends and {2} followers.','<strong>'.$friends.'</strong>','<strong>'.$followers.'</strong>');

		$content .= '<div class="hr"></div>';
		$content .= '
		<li>'.url('u/'.$client['username'],t('My Profile')).'</li>
		<li>'.url('follow/myfollowers',t('My Followers').'('.$followers.')' ).'</li>
		<li>'.url('follow/imfollowing',t('My Following') ).'</li>
		return array('title'=>t('Account'), 'content' => $content);

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