Este modulo en python nos permite tocar la cabecera de los Portable Executable.
Bastaría con importarla para poder empezar a utilizarla en nuestro script.
Dejos las características:

  • Modifying and writing back to the PE image
  • Header Inspection
  • Sections analysis
  • Retrieving data
  • Warnings for suspicious and malformed values
  • Packer detection with PEiD’s signatures
  • PEiD signature generation
Esta modulo es de bastante ayuda en estos temas de malware's y pronto creare algo apoyandome con este modulo!

[Enlace externo eliminado para invitados]

1337 & culture!
y tan útil, de hecho tengo un script montado en los repos de grampus : [Enlace externo eliminado para invitados]

por si os sirve :

Código: Seleccionar todo

#-*- coding:utf-8 -*-
# Forensic Grampus - Grampus Project - Grampus Team
Documentation from pefile official website :

import os,pefile,hashlib,datetime

class ms_exe():

    def __init__(self):
        self.Meta_Info = {}

    def _ms_do(self, sFileName):
        self.sFileName = sFileName
        print "Name of the File : %s"% self.File_Name
        print "Size of the File : %s bytes"% self.sFileSize
        print "-----------------"

    def __getMetaPeinfo(self):
        pe = pefile.PE(self.sFileName)
            for fileinfo in pe.FileInfo:
                    #Extracting metainfo
                    if fileinfo.Key == 'StringFileInfo':
                        for st_table in fileinfo.StringTable:
                            for entry in st_table.entries.items():
                                print "%s: %s"% (entry[0], entry[1])
                    #Extracting translation
                    if fileinfo.Key == 'VarFileInfo':
                        for var in fileinfo.Var:
                            print "%s: %s"% var.entry.items()[0]
                    print "ERROR, Can't read Pe info from the file"
            print "ERROR"

    def __getPropInfo(self):
        #Extracting properties info
        self.File_Name = os.path.basename(self.sFileName)
        self.sFileSize = os.path.getsize(self.sFileName)
        #Extract hashes (md5 and sha1) with hashlib
        sFile = open(self.sFileName, 'rb')
        self.md5 = hashlib.md5()
        self.sha1 = hashlib.sha1()

    def __ShowMeta(self):
        print "------------------"
        print "MD5 Hash of %s:\t"%(self.File_Name), self.md5.hexdigest()
        print "SHA1 Hash of %s:\t"%(self.File_Name), self.sha1.hexdigest()

obj = ms_exe()
data = obj._ms_do('test.exe')

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